one time I got a box of cracker jacks and I got no toy surprise inside and I wrote the company a letter and they sent me a hand full of toys and coupons for free cracker jacks, funny thing was i was like 26
I listened to a 6 part podcast from “theology unplugged” about the emerging church movement. I’v heard this term and did not really know anything about it. I thought I get some info. directly below is a definition from wicapedia and under that is notes I took from the podcast. Some pro’s and some con’s and my personal thoughts. I don't have perfect understanding of this movement, but based on the podcast a few website I've seen i think the podcast captured it pretty well.
The emerging church movement is a controversial[1] 21st-century Protestant Christian movement whose participants seek to engage postmodern people, especially the unchurched and post-churched. To accomplish this, "emerging Christians" or "emergents" seek to deconstruct and reconstruct Christian beliefs, standards, and methods to fit in the postmodern mold. Proponents of this movement call it a "conversation" to emphasize its developing and decentralized nature. The predominantly young participants in this movement prefer narrative presentations drawn from their own experiences and biblical narratives over propositional, Bible exposition. Emergent methodology includes frequent use of new technologies such as multimedia and the Internet. Their acceptance of diversity and reliance on open dialogue rather than the dogmatic proclamation found in historic Christianity leads emergents to diverse beliefs and morality.
critics of the movement are often conservative evangelical theologians and pastors who disagree with the movement's embrace of postmodernism, believing such a worldview leads emergents to unorthodox theology, relativism, antinomianism, universalism, and syncretism. These critics frequently associate emergent theology with the liberal theology that has historically been at odds with Christian fundamentalism and Evangelicalism.
Emergent Christians often see themselves as bridging the divide between conservative evangelical Christianity and liberal mainline Christianity.
Notes from the podcast “ theology unpluged”
Emerging church positives (obviously not an exhaustive list)
Missions orientated
More listing then talking
Recognize our own finitude- WE don’t have everything figure out
Criticism of individualism (no such thing as lone ranger Christian)
See the culture as amoral – not putting a bunch of taboo’s on stuff
Emphasis on the arts/worship
Emerging church negatives
The radicals are defying the group – dose not have a single defining marker
Lacks authority –(no creed, simplistic) IMO the four square church has way to much emphasis on” leadership” the emergent distances from this maybe to a fault????
To close with the culture- relativism. (hello sin is definable!!!!!!)
Don’t want to talk about difficult issues – church needs to talk about the whole of the gospel not avoiding the hard stuff. (What is mercy with out justice? This is WHY I go to a verse by verse teaching church)
Is Christ the only way?? God IS EXCLUSIVE emergent tent toward moving away from exclusivity
Since we don’t identify with any tradition, they are none. Christ is the head we are the body you cannot divorce yourself from the rest of the body. A lot of the congregation take out the name “church” replace it with “fellowship” exec
I can understand why people might be drawn to this. In fact my church has some of pros and I love it. (The Calvary chapel movement) I am not in a denomination by choice. At least I think, what do I really know? Answer: The GOSPEL!