I’ve have some really awesome blessings from God in my life; people have been loyal, honest, kind and generous to me.
One friend stands out:
I met her at “secret sister” exchange at church, I want to say about 1997 ( a lot of friend dear to my heart have been made from church)
Once when my kids were little and I was flat broke and I was crying and so sad about it, she took the girls to J.C. penny and bought them much needed clothes and a winter coat. It was unexpected, unasked for, kind and compassionate.
Another time when I was sick she brought me over a giant bowl of fruit.
This same friend has bought me super awesome birthday presents over the years. For my 30th birthday she bought me a really awesome eclectic mixing bowl filled with baking supplies. It was so fun! I still have the mixer I love it and use it often. . She really loves my children and we all know how much we love it when our friends love our children she has taken me to fancy dinners more times then I can count. She just lavishes me. I really could go on and on. She is a good listener and good hiking friend. She spoils me. Her generosity is unmatchable!
You know what I really treasure about her above all?
She has been an outstanding example to me of a wife, mother and friend. It’s not about her spiffy house, her fashion sense or hair and make up (she doesn’t were make- up) Her character of kindness, compassion, good cheer, long suffering, forgiveness, and generosity- these things are lasting. Oh how the lord knows what we need!
I needed her to listen, I needed someone to love me, and be a Godly example to me, I needed someone with time for me, and who liked being with me. I have watched her handle conflict, watched her long suffering, watched her put her children’s needs first, how she labors in love over her family and how she knows the Lord is the lover of her soul.
Our lives are much busier now, I don’t see her as much as I would like.
But my heart has forever been changed by her.
How awesome God is to fill my life with people who love me, and that I love.