
A place for the broken

A place for the broken

I think pretty much my whole walk as a Christian I have felt like I did not fit into the “church”. Toss in one part lower middle class and one part husband won’t attend with me. Mix it up = insecure me. The good news/ bad news : other people feel this way too. I know they do, when I stopped and got over myself and could listen to others I heard their insecurities. In a perfect world the church would be for the broken, by the broken unto the broken. I am afraid in America we have so much social, cultural and traditional reasons for church that we loose a little something. We are not persecuted in this county for our worship, what if we where what would the body look like then? Would the chaff and wheat be separated? Is the church out to lunch because of the chaff or are we sinners and can not possibly perfect anything? This is why I like to see my relationship with Jesus in a world view, not an American view. In India what is the church like? What about China? Who is Jesus to them? Is it the same Jesus in America?


Kacey said...

I love you Maria, I think we think some of the same thoughts. We are no greater than our master, who was despised and rejected. If we feel like we don't fit in, even at church, it's a reminder that this earth is not our home, we're looking forward to a heavenly kingdom where we'll fit just where we're designed to, and we will be joyful and full of praise. This body of Christ's is so diverse, he is perfecting each of us. I think the key, like you said, is to quit looking and focusing inward, and start hearing and seeing the pain that's all around us. Lets wash each other with the water of the word, and for goodness sakes, lets try washing each other's feet sometimes!

you are much prayed for and appreciated by me.

Your Adelphe,

Kacey said...

Oh, and I think Jesus is much more vivid and real and active in other countries. After all, he was sent to the broken and the lowly, and it is those who know him and walk with him most closely. In our affluence,pride and patriotism, often we lose site of the fact that Jesus was Jew, in a different country, culture and time that we are. We try to make him in our image in this country. May he forgive us and renew our minds so that we can see him as he is and consequently, see others how he sees them as well.

Oh, you know ***I*** have things to say;)
