You scored as a Emma Woodhouse 81%
Emma is possibly one of the most loyal characters of Austen, always wanting better for those around her and doing all she possibly can to make it happen. Her motives sometimes get in the way of her good intentions and her own opinions can end up ruling her actions, but she has a good heart. She loves to be social and is welcoming to most, unless they are too silly to tolerate. While she sometimes changes her behavior to make others feel comfortable, she knows who she is and is always bettering herself.
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Which Jane Austen Character are You?
You scored as a Elizabeth Bennet
As one of Austen's most beloved characters, Elizabeth Bennet represents what most women would like to become: strong, independent, and loyal. Of course, she has her faults including a stubborn will of iron and a clinging to first impressions. Overall, Lizzie is bright and lovable...something to admire and aspire to.
Elizabeth Bennet
I scored Elizabeth Bennet too. I couldn't post a pictures. Kira Knightly played her in the newest Pride and Prejudice, there is an A&E version too, but I don't know her name. It's SO true!! She is the one I would most put myself as as well. She is the one I related to the most when I read and watch those novels. Interesting, I relate the most to her in my personality, and I like her character so that I would like her as a friend, and yet, she isn't the one I would like the most to have as a BFF. As a BFF I would like Emma. And while I would like Emma as a BFF I would still be every bit the same as Elizabeth Bennet in my own personality.
PS my score on Elizabeth Bennett was 80% followed by Jane Bennett at 63%.
I scored Elizabeth Bennet at 88%
2nd was Elinor Dashwood at 66%
That was fun!
Awe how sweet! We seem like all one big happy family of Bennetts. har har
Maria, it looks like you love the Lizzys for friends!
and heather got lizzy too! I am collecting for myself Lizzie Bennet’s!
I scored as Elizabeth Bennet. I definitly see some Lizzy in me:) So then I took the one to see which Jane Austen beau I would most likely fall for...I took it twice & came up with Wickham!?! Ggrrhrr! This Lizzy only has eyes for Darcy.
Hey Emma, so when are you gonna play matchmaker & set me up??
Hee, hee...
Yeah, Emma. You've got a lot of work to do for some of your Lizzy's! Not me, of course, I'm happy with my Col. Brandon. Darcy is a little high strung for me I guess. I guess I like the calm but moderately brooding type. Anyway, this test was so fun that I searched "Jane Austen" on the same website and took ALL the tests that it had. Geoff took some too, he's a closet Pride and Prejudice fan. He's watched it as many times as I have!
Heather, you should host a P & P marathon at your house and we could have a sleep over, what do you say?
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