You ever have one of those days when God really lets you see some of crap in your own heart? that was my day... all day.
It all started with a nasty little fight with my husband this morning; did I even for one minute consider turning the other cheek? Nooooo. Heck no I was right. Then it seamed like the rest of the day little blips into my own falsehood kept creeping into my conversation and thoughts. I am false sometimes, and I hate it.
It really made me long for a floor to lie down on face first and pray
I never seam to be able to get the not fighting when provoke thing down. I nearly always fail that test. That’s why I have very colorful language when I drive. I am so quick to anger when its “justified” (yeah right) I long to have a gentleness, kindness and patients toward others -when it’s not deserved.
I think I need me some fruit!
I found the compassion logo in the corner made it hard to sign in:)
yeah its anoying but clicking on the "b" sign in the other corner logs you in too. i still might change it. its still anoying.
I like the picture with your title now, it looks really nmice.:)
You are like the poster child of blogging skills!!
you too i love your blog !!! its very appealing to me, the lay out and that awesome pic you took too
Ok, but how did you change the font and it's orientation (no jokes please). Did you have to change the actual HTML code? I'm jealous.
its a "picture" i used paint shop pro
I figured it out after I posted. I'm always a day late and a dollar short. DRRR. :)
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