I’ve seen these David A.R. White movies
Second Glance
End of the Harvest
The Moment After
The Moment After 2
Six: The Mark Unleashed
The Crossing This is one I have not seen, but will.. oh yes I will and you will watch it wih me -wahhahahaha
Visit christian movies . com
I will watch it with you Mia. Second Glance was the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. It made Left Behind look like a cinematic masterpiece. Zac and I were laughing hysterically. I think it cost about $640 to make that movie. Plus you can never go wrong when you have 32 year olds playing Christian 1988 high schoolers.
My favorite line was when that kid said "Jesus, man" with the fist pump.
I'll watch it too! Jesus man!
I have not seen these movies... sounds like I may be missing out.
well humm i love um ...
I want to see them with you like you said! :-(
We'll bring them on the road trip. Jesus, man!
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