This is from an email my BFF Trish sent me.
I love this illustration.I have quite a few dried beans stuck in my wheel.
"It’s like a mental “dried bean on the floor of the store that got wedged under my grocery cart wheel”! Sometimes you just shake the cart around a little and it gets loosed, other times you push that dang thing for an hour through the store, pulling right the whole time thinking the wheel is just broke. Then you finally give up, get a new cart and watch someone else walk away with your old one with total ease. Then you see the stupid dried kidney bean left behind, half smashed."
LOL that happened to me again today in a meeting at work! We were talking about something way over my head intellectually and they kept asking me questions, which I couldn't answer with any clarity!
This is SO funny, so finally I said "I'm sorry about the confusion everyone, my brain is just really stuck on this one bad! My brain has a dried bean stuck in my grocery cart wheel and I can't seem to shake it out!"
Everyone in the meeting laughed really hard at that! LOL
Sometimes I feel like I AM the dried bean.
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