I listen to a podcast called “hardcore history” I just listened to the episode entitled “Judgment at Nineveh” according to this history dude Dan Carlin the Assyrians in Nineveh were brutal, violent, and whacked out!
They where cruel for the sake of cruelty – a formidable enemy- all of the nations around them hated them.
One thing I found on the internet was this:
One of the kings Ashurbanipal – Some accounts and pictures show him putting a dog chain through the jaw of a defeated king and then making him live in a dog kennel. Many bold pictures and paintings even boast of such cruel acts, showing he was proud of all that he did.
All the Assyrian kings where like this, terrorist and proud of it.
Can you imagine living in a culture like that? Or called by God to go to them ?
I can only imagine, how afraid, and how much Jonah might have hated them.
Can you imagine if God called you to go and bring his message to people like that?
I wonder, when God asks me to bring his message to a place I fear and hate… do I obey?
<< Jonah 4:11 >>
"Should I not have compassion on Nineveh, the great city in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know the difference between their right and left hand, as well as many animals?"
This is fascinating. I didn't know about all this. I knew they were an evil people, but I didn't know any other details. Wow.
"Yet 40 days and Nineveh will be destroyed!" was the only message God brought them, and they repented! Goes to show you, there is no set formula for what to say and do in order that people would to turn to God.
Hola Mia! I like this post. That's all.
Hey, we should all put TFOB as one of our interests on our blogger profile. Then when someone clicks on it...we'll all pop up.:)
MRA needs to post again. :)
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