We had a spectacular thunder storm Saturday night

Sunday we hiked 15 miles for 5 hours one of our destinations was Muskrat lake

I got a blister the size of quarter

I guess since his last movie was just ok he has taken to modeling Headnets

It looks like you keep yourself out of the ghetto and are living ghetto free. Also, you may be white.
How Ghetto Are You
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Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!
Ultimate Bible Quiz
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What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Midland "You have a Midland accent" is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio. | |
The West | |
Boston | |
North Central | |
The South | |
Philadelphia | |
The Northeast | |
The Inland North | |
What American accent do you have? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |