hahah this picture made my day
Scott C was teaching this Wednesday night and had an illustration I had never heard before but loved so I googled it when I came home here it is: well it’s a little longer and different but it still make the same point
A tightrope walker had managed to a tie a rope to trees on both sides of Niagara Falls, and then proceeded to walk across the falls on the wire, and back, without falling and perishing to his death. A small crowd watched in amazement as he returned to safety.
He looked at the crowd and said, “do you think I could push a wheel barrel across this very same tightrope?” They were quiet, for fear of encouraging him to risk his life again. So away he went, walking the tightrope, pushing his wheel barrel to the far side and back. They were amazed.
He decided to push the envelope further: “Do you think I could push a load of bricks in this wheel barrel across the falls?” A few folks had now become believers, and quietly nodded yes. Others were still afraid of the colossal fall about to happen. But he amazed them further with his deft agility as he safely went across and back.
By then, a large crowd had gathered. They were really excited at this point. He emptied the bricks and asked them, “Do you think I could push a human being across the falls in this wheel barrel?” By then they totally believed. They shouted in unison, “yes”.
Then he looked at them, paused for effect, and said, “who will be the first to get in?
To get in God’s wheelbarrow is to trust Him that He will guide you safely, it is the ultimate in faithfulness.
Aahhh it’s like beating a dead horse with me!! Will I ever learn to trust God in my trials??? grrrrrrr
1 comment:
Love this story, I have heard it before and it always makes me think! UGG. I know how you feel.
I've been a little out of sorts the past few days, feeling overly exhausted and have been sort of checked out, but I'm still around.
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