I had horrible Christmas last year I was sick with a influenza type thing, fever body aches I could not even eat the meal I slaved over, I had that nasty heart stuff going on I spent too much money and mike and were fighting. It was such a traumatic experience I asked my family if we could skip it all this year, I promised them a Wii and we can go out to dinner. Period.
I don’t really like to decorate, its just too much work and our place is too small. but I do have a growing Christmas village Not just any village but Dept 56. THE best, nicest top of line village.
As I mentioned on my face book, August is nice to ebay for Christmas villages The last few summers I have added to my collection, and this year I got that itch and I browsed EBay .. I feel like I am cheating. i was gonna skip all the stupid stuff Wasn’t I ?
But I saw the sweetest church to add to my collection. after four years, have decided I want to narrow my collection down to churches. church in all the different “collection”
It is fun, and on eaby it’s not too expensive if you work it. It is pretty, everyone enjoys them (even chopper) and I love them
Haha you better find A church you like in my village, they out number the people !
Oh I was dog sick Christmas too, and the 2 days before and 4 days after. I didn't even cook the meal the meal I was planning on slaving over, I was burning fevers.
This Christmas will be better for both of us.
I love your little village, no problems with the villagers finding a good church in that town eh?
hahah no prob!!!
more churchs then people.
And yes I remember some of the phone conversation we had at that time!!
We both sounded like death warmed over!! Yes better this year. I think it could not be much worse it was the holiday from he double hockey sticks
That is crazy. I hope all those churches are not being ignorant though:) Is there a little TFAB in there? Or TFATLCV (the fellowship at the little Christmas village). Hehe
There should be a little RMC, and a little TFAB, and a little LCF, and a little Westside, and a little New Hope, and a little mega church (like New Life), and a little Baptist, and a little Lutheran, and a little Home Bible study, and a little strip mall with a little independent church, and etc etc.
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