So like,… no try again. Once upon a time,.. Nope.
The other night my friend and I were talking and I made a confession, hum oh I’m not very driven to like accomplish whole lot, like you know open a restaurant, climb mt bhal blah or write a novel, have all the laundry done in my house at one time, be an overachiever. It’s not that I am lazy; I mean I am lazy but that is not why I am not driven. The truth is since I was 19 had a hard time planting my feet too firmly in this soil called earth. I never wanted to get a degree and make a bunch of money and buy a house. It was like once I became a Christian I just wanted to live for the lord and not having a particular talent or academic achievements I just was not into like the whole get her done thing. I really wanted to be an overseas missionary, this got side tract of course. I think I started to wish I would could change when I felt like I did not fit in. but, I was a dismal frailer at this. there is this very nice lady I know,( this is just a causal observations of her) she stays at home w/ the kids ,home schools, has this immaculate house, green house garden, hikes, bikes, skies, runs, is thin, eat like organic, GF, no dairy, buys her honey from a local bee keeper, her milk from a goat farm. Makes all her meals ahead of time and freezes them doesn’t drink coffee. Should I feel wholly inadequate or should I embrace the slacker with in? I am chubby, never skied in my life, my house is only marginally clean, I make dinner only a few times a week, and I love sugar and coffee. If you’re the chubby one in the scenario, I guess the lesson here is not to compare ourselves eh?. But I must say to myself, what are the things when I am standing before Christ and must give an account?? How well did I love my children? How did I treat the least of these? Did I strive for money? For praise? Did I tell others how Jesus loves them? Did I seek Christ in all things? Did I really pray for people when I said I would? What about the widows and orphans? Was I serving those who could not repay me? Did I love Gods word?, self control, discipline? Was I caught doing His work when He came back? Good works? Spending time with the lord? Fellowship and praise? Was my life set apart? I do know as I fall more on the slacker line, in the slack- o -meter I have my own unique sins to watch out for. Anyway I am not sure how to end this post. So I will end with the slack o meter. Tell me how you fare.
1 comment:
I don't know, hahaha, I have this memory of leaving a comment on this post last week, but it's not here, so I must have intended to leave a comment and never did. I'm telling you, I'm getting o.l.d.
I love love this post. I have expressed similar sentiments on my pondering blog in the past. You, in my book, are one of the few faithful followers of Christ, and faithful friends, that are true, real and sincere. Not just trying to follow some formula. That's what I love about you. I think when we stand before the Lord in heaven, you will be surprised, very surprise, at how well you ran this race. That's my casual observation.
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