
Have you changed in some way and it surprised yourself?

I think I need an unusual amount of alone time, compared to other people. For sure compared to my husband and children! ( Lord help me ) I get in funky moods and I don’t want to exert the energy to be around people to listen or be “on”. I especially like quiet and I like watching a good movie alone, I really like to be alone.
At work for last couple of years I’d prefer if you did not talk to me. HAHA I soo did not use to be like that. I wonder if that’s an age thing you know… I am like, old. I really am friendly and social but I think because of past experience in the work world and the fact I completely blew my witness a believer at my last job, and that pretty much( except maybe two people) I don’t really click with anyone at work. But besides that I like being alone. I love hanging with KC at the starbucks talking about life, having lunch with Amanda, texting heather randomness, chatting with Trish or Shopping with my girls. I like these things as much as being alone. I guess what’s weird to me, is I did not use to be like that. Any thoughts on that, my blogger friends? Have you changed in some way and it surprised yourself?


pondering said...

Yes, I have changed in ways I never thought! I completely get what you are saying.
In spite of all my changes it has not changed my friendship with you my BFF!
I really really want to see you!!!! Please come visit.

Her said...

I have a blog and I wrote a deep thought. Whoda' thunk it? Oh how I love your random texts. Even if I don't reply:) Thanks for understanding Mia!!

Christy said...

I have friends that I've never met in person and I am enjoying it. Never thought that would happen. Thanks, friends!

Christy said...

PS You can link my blog but no pressure... : > )

Kacey said...

I am much more crafty than I ever thought I would be. I just finished my first doll! I also LIKE people a whole lot more than I thought I did, I used to prefer ALWAYS being alone. I can get hugged now. I don't mind if people tell me I spit on the mirror when I brush my teeth (I'm better at taking criticism). I like to try new things. I NEVER used to try anything that I didn't think I'd be good at the first time. I can meet new friends. I don't care so much what others think about me. Wow. that's a random spew of things.

Her said...

I love your spew Kacey. If you're gonna spew, spew in this (blog)! You are crafty, I can't believe it either but you are so embrace it, sister. I can't wait for the world to see your dolls!!! I love Libby/Naomi/Olivia/Jehoshaphat whatever she's called. And by the way, I just cleaned my mirror so can you take it easy next time you brush at my house? Hee hee hee.