
farewell Coastal Starlight

Every summer since the twins were 4 years old, my daughters and I go So cal in the summer to see my family. Every year we have taken the train " the coastal starlight " (I know the route by heart) The first few years of train travel went just fine, it’s cheap I had more time then money back then. I like the train, I like people watching, I like the landscape, MT. Shasta is awesome, the sand dunes of SO Cal , and the bridges in SFO area. I spend hours and hours staring out the window and I see all kinds of animals, Dogs especially, the train tracks typically are in bad neighborhoods and we see more then our share of junk yard, hence the guard dog. GO PITBULLS. We see animals dead on the tracks. Yuck. I’ve seen dolphins and little dear like creatures, chicken, goats, foxes, eagles , all kinds of sea birds, Cows, lamas, horses, and giraffes and elephants (the train goes past the Santa Barbara zoo) we have see all kinds of travelers. Families going to Disneyland, teens going to grandmas, elderly people, homeless guys, it’s a people watchers dream. To me of most interest is the staff on Amtrak. It’s got to be bizarre to be on that train as long as they are; one worker told me he did 10 days on- 4 days off. Some of staff are stressed; rude, others are nice, attentive. Mostly I see them busy. The Conductor is impressive in a pressed snazzy uniform, emitting radio noises, shined shoes, and cool cap. I will miss some of the traditions we have on the train; breakfast in the dinning car, drinking boatloads of somewhat palatable coffee from my free refill mug., watching movies in the snack bar car. Ah but let me tell you flying to LA from our town will be a treat. I did the math, after I spent a crazy amount of money on air plane tickets .
$400 round tip for train tickets
$60 gas to train station.
$150 food and drinks for all those hours on the train,
60 HOURS or 3 days of missed vacation.( It’s a scheduled 24 hours train trip but the last 3 years it’s 10 hours late, each way.)
Seeing my family after 2.5 hours of travel?



Yes I am feeling sorry for myself.

It’s of the utmost importance to Lord, how we treat people. It seams a lot of the proverbs and New Testament is about, how we related to one another. Would you agree with that? I absolutely hate myself when I love conditional, when I am angry and pissed off and frustrated and fed up, and then the offending person repents and I feel really guilty because it’s ok now, now that you are doing what I want, I can love you. This is my problem, Is it not important to the lord how I am treated? why is it so important to Jesus that I love / die to self, and in return I get walked all over and walked all over. Why don’t I get justice? Yes I am feeling sorry for myself.



Jer 10:23 24 Current mood: contemplative
My recently read a verse in the book "portraits of the word" by Tim botts. If you have never seen his stuff I highly recommend him! He turns the word into art and man it speaks to my soul, anyway I read the verse "Jer 10:23 24 I know, Lord, that a person's life is not his own. No one is able to plan his own course. So correct me, Lord, but please be gentle. Do not correct me in anger, for I would die. WOW I'm totally sure what's going on in context in this verse but I have cried that prayer out to the Lord in my own life. If I Maria- ized that verse would say "I have giving my life to you, I know I blow it all the time, deal with my sin, but I'm scared don't give me what I deserve"
Well in reality I know because of that Jesus has done I wont get what I deserve! Whew!