
CYIA update

Melissa had a wonderful time at training camp! She came back all ready to save the world. Her faith is infectious sometimes. What a Special kid the Lord has given me. Some of the highlights she retold to me are: she did “open air” so they went to neighborhoods and knocked on doors asked for permission to share the wordless book with the children of the house. If you don’t know what the wordless book is check it out. She led 10 of the kids to Christ that week, out of the 500 or so the mission’s trip tallied. This week really meant allot to her, she really feels the Lord calling her to children ministry. How neat to obey the Lord and feel a calling at the age of 13. wow.
Thank you for praying for her


pondering said...

Oh wow, it's cool to have a little evangelist in the family! none of my kids are, and I wish they were. What a blessing. I'll bet that makes you proud.

Mia said...

You know whats really sweet? Is how missy gets choked up at the thought of the Lord saving a soul. She just tears up - that compassion that feeling for the lost. she knows that some wont stay and grow in the Lord she has a good head on her shoulders and yes I am proud of her, but she still rolls her eyes at me with all the teenage attitude. But this stuff, is priceless.

Kacey said...

That makes ME tear up. How precious are ALL of our girls, so different and so special in the eyes of their maker. I'm so blessed to hear about Missy's trip. Can't wait to hear more!