
The trouble with absolute

I had this interesting conversation and email exchange with a friend, she is not geeky and I am sure wont read this blog post, but in case she dose (you know I love you buddy) anyway she thinks dead people become angles when they go to heaven, (she thinks a lot of things actually) and I was telling her why I did not believe that, then of course the subject goes to

“Well I respect other peoples beliefs”

could I let this go? Nope.

I said, I won’t respect evil and or ignorant beliefs. Heck no. in fact I will challenge them.
Respect- to feel or show honor or esteem for; hold in high regard

the progression was this
if there is such a thing as right and wrong, you have to deiced who sets the standards. In my mind that is God by His word and His sprit in our hearts. But if you think we each set or own standard that is a recipe for utter chaos. Who is to say what I think and feel is wrong? In fact the world says “how dare you judge me??”
I can understand why people hate the Christian view of “one way” it is so completely counter our culture to have an absolute.

Well that just what’s been in my noggin this week, I know that a lot more can be said on the subject like books and books but that is all I have to say peace !


pondering said...

Truth! Absolutely.

BTW I love your new pictures and blog template.

Her said...

I read this a while back and meant to comment on it. Here is my comment...I agree with you! Go Mia!