This song makes me cry like I have said before everything makes me cry I love words and the video is sweet :O
observations of the day
I went to a funeral for a coworker’s husband today. He had an aggressive brain tumor, he fought it the first time around was tumor free for I think about 1.5 years but the second timeit came back he lost the battle. The services where held at a catholic church, it has been a very long time since I was at Mass. It's funny I remembered all my lines! “And also with you” stand up/ sit down/ stand up sit down. Then we headed to the bar to celebrate his life, now that was different for me, I have only been too a bar like twice in my whole life.
My observations of the day are: I found it amazing that Gods blessings are given to us even in an unredeemed state, not to say we are all walking the narrow path or call on him as redeemer and are saved, but God has created all things and the natural man was given so much to thank God for, the comfort of friends, strength to go on the pleasures of food and the blessing of sleep…. just to name a few!!
Before I was walking with the Lord I can look back on my path and see Gods hand in my life, I wonder if Gods hand is there but until you are saved you can not see it? I am not sure if that is biblical or not. I do know that Jesus was called a friend of sinners and Romans 5:8 says “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
I wonder if I am being new age-ie “God is in everything” ??
I think what I am feeling is thankful to God that even the unsaved around me are blessed by Him. Even if they don’t see it as Him. I pray that the scales would fall from their eyes and He would save them.
Because really what gain is it to have everything and loose your soul?
My observations of the day are: I found it amazing that Gods blessings are given to us even in an unredeemed state, not to say we are all walking the narrow path or call on him as redeemer and are saved, but God has created all things and the natural man was given so much to thank God for, the comfort of friends, strength to go on the pleasures of food and the blessing of sleep…. just to name a few!!
Before I was walking with the Lord I can look back on my path and see Gods hand in my life, I wonder if Gods hand is there but until you are saved you can not see it? I am not sure if that is biblical or not. I do know that Jesus was called a friend of sinners and Romans 5:8 says “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
I wonder if I am being new age-ie “God is in everything” ??
I think what I am feeling is thankful to God that even the unsaved around me are blessed by Him. Even if they don’t see it as Him. I pray that the scales would fall from their eyes and He would save them.
Because really what gain is it to have everything and loose your soul?
National Cherry Blossom Festival

The National Cherry Blossom Festival annually commemorates the 1912 gift to the city of Washington of 3,000 cherry trees from Mayor Yukio Ozaki of Tokyo to enhance the growing friendship between the United States and Japan and celebrate the continued close relationship between our two peoples.
Ok It’s dawned on me I am painfully average. I’m pretty sure my IQ is average, I know my looks are, my height, my weight (well its just a few pounds more then average) my income .LOL I’m telling you I am so the “perfect” average. I have my 1.5 kids, my credit score is a high average.
Well I could let this tweak with me out but you know what it really doesn’t
You know why? This is really profound…. Jesus loves me!! Like sometime I am temped to be bummed I’m noting special in the eyes of the world. But what dose it really matter? I am love by the king, and makes my heart want to sing! It so hard to be so self deprecating when none of it really matters, all that matters is that I am wholly surrendered to King Jesus. This is not a consolation prize; really it’s not!! for me it is my prize.
Ok It’s dawned on me I am painfully average. I’m pretty sure my IQ is average, I know my looks are, my height, my weight (well its just a few pounds more then average) my income .LOL I’m telling you I am so the “perfect” average. I have my 1.5 kids, my credit score is a high average.
Well I could let this tweak with me out but you know what it really doesn’t
You know why? This is really profound…. Jesus loves me!! Like sometime I am temped to be bummed I’m noting special in the eyes of the world. But what dose it really matter? I am love by the king, and makes my heart want to sing! It so hard to be so self deprecating when none of it really matters, all that matters is that I am wholly surrendered to King Jesus. This is not a consolation prize; really it’s not!! for me it is my prize.
2008 List of Banished Words
Lake Superior State University 2008 List of Banished Words
WEBINAR – i hate this word cus i hate webinars
ORGANIC – dude your water is Organic! WORDSMITH/WORDSMITHING – ah what?
POST 9/11
'BLANK' is the new 'BLANK' or 'X' is the new 'Y' –
UNDER THE BUS – I am guilty of this one
RANDOM – mike has banned this from our home.
WEBINAR – i hate this word cus i hate webinars
ORGANIC – dude your water is Organic! WORDSMITH/WORDSMITHING – ah what?
POST 9/11
'BLANK' is the new 'BLANK' or 'X' is the new 'Y' –
UNDER THE BUS – I am guilty of this one
RANDOM – mike has banned this from our home.
Just in case you need to think of something new to be thankful for...
Take a good look at the family size & diet of each country, and the availability & cost of what is eaten in one week.
Germany: The Melander family of Bargteheide
Food expenditure for one week: 375.39 Euros or $500.07

United States: The Revis family of North Carolina
Food expenditure for one week $341.98

Italy: The Manzo family of Sicily
Food expenditure for one week: 214.36 Euros or $260.11

Mexico: The Casales family of Cuernavaca
Food expenditure for one week: 1,862.78 Mexican Pesos or $189.09

Poland: The Sobczynscy family of Konstancin-Jeziorna
Food expenditure for one week: 582.48 Zlotys or $151.27

Egypt: The Ahmed family of Cairo
Food expenditure for one week: 387.85 Egyptian Pounds or $68.53

Ecuador: The Ayme family of Tingo
Food expenditure for one week: $31.55

Bhutan: The Namgay family of Shingkhey Village
Food expenditure for one week: 224.93 ngultrum or $5.03

Chad: The Aboubakar family of Breidjing Camp
Food expenditure for one week: 685 CFA Francs or $1.23

Just in case you need to think of something new to be thankful for...
Germany: The Melander family of Bargteheide
Food expenditure for one week: 375.39 Euros or $500.07

United States: The Revis family of North Carolina
Food expenditure for one week $341.98

Italy: The Manzo family of Sicily
Food expenditure for one week: 214.36 Euros or $260.11

Mexico: The Casales family of Cuernavaca
Food expenditure for one week: 1,862.78 Mexican Pesos or $189.09

Poland: The Sobczynscy family of Konstancin-Jeziorna
Food expenditure for one week: 582.48 Zlotys or $151.27

Egypt: The Ahmed family of Cairo
Food expenditure for one week: 387.85 Egyptian Pounds or $68.53

Ecuador: The Ayme family of Tingo
Food expenditure for one week: $31.55

Bhutan: The Namgay family of Shingkhey Village
Food expenditure for one week: 224.93 ngultrum or $5.03

Chad: The Aboubakar family of Breidjing Camp
Food expenditure for one week: 685 CFA Francs or $1.23

Just in case you need to think of something new to be thankful for...
do i always sounds like middle schooler? ??
David A.R. White is my favorite Christian actor. I love Christian movies, no matter how low budget no matter how cheesy, the old school and the new.

I’ve seen these David A.R. White movies
Second Glance
End of the Harvest
The Moment After
The Moment After 2
Six: The Mark Unleashed
The Crossing This is one I have not seen, but will.. oh yes I will and you will watch it wih me -wahhahahaha
Visit christian movies . com

I’ve seen these David A.R. White movies
Second Glance
End of the Harvest
The Moment After
The Moment After 2
Six: The Mark Unleashed
The Crossing This is one I have not seen, but will.. oh yes I will and you will watch it wih me -wahhahahaha
Visit christian movies . com
Have you changed in some way and it surprised yourself?
I think I need an unusual amount of alone time, compared to other people. For sure compared to my husband and children! ( Lord help me ) I get in funky moods and I don’t want to exert the energy to be around people to listen or be “on”. I especially like quiet and I like watching a good movie alone, I really like to be alone.
At work for last couple of years I’d prefer if you did not talk to me. HAHA I soo did not use to be like that. I wonder if that’s an age thing you know… I am like, old. I really am friendly and social but I think because of past experience in the work world and the fact I completely blew my witness a believer at my last job, and that pretty much( except maybe two people) I don’t really click with anyone at work. But besides that I like being alone. I love hanging with KC at the starbucks talking about life, having lunch with Amanda, texting heather randomness, chatting with Trish or Shopping with my girls. I like these things as much as being alone. I guess what’s weird to me, is I did not use to be like that. Any thoughts on that, my blogger friends? Have you changed in some way and it surprised yourself?
At work for last couple of years I’d prefer if you did not talk to me. HAHA I soo did not use to be like that. I wonder if that’s an age thing you know… I am like, old. I really am friendly and social but I think because of past experience in the work world and the fact I completely blew my witness a believer at my last job, and that pretty much( except maybe two people) I don’t really click with anyone at work. But besides that I like being alone. I love hanging with KC at the starbucks talking about life, having lunch with Amanda, texting heather randomness, chatting with Trish or Shopping with my girls. I like these things as much as being alone. I guess what’s weird to me, is I did not use to be like that. Any thoughts on that, my blogger friends? Have you changed in some way and it surprised yourself?
I know I am loved by the King And it makes my heart want to sing !
Decision, decisions, decisions
On a lovely sunny day

I had a really weird experience at work today.
The setting: medical office buildings.
The problem: two random out of place Safeway shopping carts
The solution: my boss and coworker some how involve me walking the carts back to the store on our break (15 min walk)
On a lovely sunny day
Man walking past say: taking your grocery cart for a walk today?
Apparently, I am obsessed with food

I have this memory of school lunches.
I am not one of those people who have a lot of memories from childhood. I think maybe one reason I don’t have a lot of memories is because I think repetition brings familiarity; things changed all the time for me.
The school lunch it’s really a good memory; it’s way back in the 70’s when the food at grade school was served in the plastic trays with the dividing compartments. ( I still love to eat out of those, it’s a good thing when food dose not touch.) My stomach was just as empty as can be and the food smells standing in line just about killed me. The cafeteria floors where a dark brick red and super shinny, I remember a creamed chicken like substance served on bread, a side of canned corn and yellow cake. Yummy! Hahaah sounds terrible. But I remember it being really yummy.
I think it would be funny to find one of those lunch menus’s from way back and compare what passes now for school lunch oh the food is horrible in school now, at least in our school district. It is curly fries & pizza served in a neat little boat like paper things. in grade school they go back to their desk and eat lunch What is that? No nerd table? No food fights? Most food doesn’t need silverware… if they do they use plastic. Good grief the food in Jr high is appalling are they trying to kill our kids with diabetes by 15? Haha! Anyway yeah for food

1.You wore a rainbow shirt that was half-sleeves, and the rainbow went up one sleeve, across your chest, and down the other.
2.You made baby chocolate cakes in your Easy Bake Oven and washed them down with snow cones from your Snoopy Snow Cone Machine.
3.You had that Fisher Price Doctor's Kit with a stethoscope that actually worked.
4.You owned a bicycle with a banana seat and a plastic basket with flowers on it.
5.You learned to skate with actual skates (not roller blades)that had metal wheels.
6.You thought Gopher from Love Boat was cute (admit it!)
7.You had nightmares after watching Fantasy Island.
8.You had rubber boots for rainy days and Moon boots for snowy days.
9.You had either a "bowl cut" or! "pixie," not to mention the "Dorothy Hamil" because your Mom was sick of braiding your hair.
10.People sometimes thought you were a boy.
11.Your Holly Hobbie sleeping bag was your most prized possession.
12.You wore a poncho, gauchos, and knickers.
13.You begged Santa for the electronic game, Simon.
14.You had the Donnie and Marie dolls with those pink and purple satiny shredded outfits.
15.You spent hours in your backyard on your metal swing set with the trapeze.
16.The swing set tipped over at least once. (heck yes!!!)
17.You had homemade ribbon barrettes in every imaginable color.
18.You had a pair of Doctor Scholl's sandals (the ones with hard sole & the buckle). You also had a pair of salt-water sandals.
19.You wanted to be Laura Ingalls Wilder really bad; you wore that Little House on the Prairie-inspired plaid, ruffle shirt with the high neck in at least one school picture; and you despised Nellie Olson!
20.You wanted your first kiss to be at a roller rink.
21.Your hairstyle was described as having "wings" or "feathers" and you kept
it "pretty" with the comb you kept in your back pocket.
22.You know who Strawberry Shortcake is, as well as her friends, Blueberry Muffin and Huckleberry Pie.
23.You carried a Muppets lunch box to school and it was metal, not plastic.
24.You and your girlfriends would fight over which of the Dukes of Hazzard was your boyfriend.
25.Every now and then "It's a Hard Knock Life" from the movie, "Annie" will pop into your brain and you can't stop singing it the whole day.
26.YOU had Star Wars action figures, too!
27.It was a big event in your household each year when the "Wizard of Oz" would come on TV. Your mom would break out the popcorn and sleeping bags!
28.You often asked your Magic-8 ball the question: "Who will I marry. Shaun Cassidy, Leif Garrett, or Rick Springfield?"
29.You completely wore out your Grease, Saturday Night Fever
30.You tried to do lots of arts and crafts, like yarn and Popsicle-stick God's eyes, decoupage, or those weird potholders made on a plastic loom. Pot holders - I believe they were called "loom loopers"
31.You made Shrinky-Dinks and put iron-on kittens on your t-shirts!
32.You used to tape record songs off the radio by holding your portable tape player up to the speaker.
33.You couldn't wait to get the free animal poster that came when you ordered books from the Weekly Reader book club. Double score if it was a teddy bear dressed in clothing.
34.You learned everything you needed to know about girl issues from Judy Blume books.
35.You thought Olivia Newton John's song "Physical" was about aerobics. ( it's not???)
36.You wore friendship pins on your tennis shoes, or shoelaces with heart or rainbow designs.
hummm i am Galatians
Which book of the Bible are you? created with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Galatians Your life is full of contradictions, but you get by okay. Your philosophy is to be all things to all men. You are helpful and kind and ultimately tolerant.
nener nener nener i am Jean Valjean the old guy! how great do i look in a beard!

I'm Jean Valjean! |
You're Jean Valjean!(No, really.) Some people may see me as a little sanctimonious, but though I care deeply about doing right, I'm not above a little skulduggery in a good cause. Being in touch with my spiritual side doesn't make me an easy target... on the contrary, in fact. Which Les Miserables Character Are You? |
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