
wake up call

Liars are a puzzle to me. You know? Like my parents weren’t big on lying to me, growing up I never felt this overwhelming sense that people weren’t coming clean.
I had never been betrayed by a liar.
So far, in my life I have only had one run in with a true pathological liar. We will call him X. Dunt dunt dunt
The setting: 1990 southern California ME: so naive. I just could not imagine other people were not like I was. Big MISTAKE. Not that I though I was perfect, but I did not know to look for things in people I did not do myself. So X was super artsy fartsy he was brilliant, creative and totally out there. One night we are sitting on the beach he recites a poem he wrote.
I like his poem and I memorize it.

Dark eyes
Oh, the gentlemen are talking and the midnight moon is on the riverside, They're drinking up and walking and it is time for me to slide. I live in another world where life and death are memorized, Where the earth is strung with lovers' pearls and all I see are dark eyes.

Fast forward we are at X’s parents house in his old bedroom and I am looking through his stuff and I see a Bob Dylan cassette and I look and you know what? Bob has a song called “dark eyes” weird! But by this time a lot of X’s lies where catching up with him so I suspected this was another.
I slip the cassette in my member’s only jacket and plan to listen later.
When we get home and the cassette is gone from my pocket! It was the weirdest thing. It just disappeared.
On top of making me memorize a plagiarized poem he pick -pockets the evidence! Oh I know that’s a some what silly lie, some of his lies where dangerous and evil. This one was…. my wake up call.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

hello i to dislike liars, my first love turned out to be a pathological liar and it turned me against any lie telling what so ever. thank you for the comment on my blog i have lots of other exciting stories to post but i just need to find the time to write them.