
Random thought

I am a coward sometimes. Spider pig, spider pig. Maybe I have a heart condition. I wonder why my dog only watches TV in the mirror. Why can’t I wear socks to bed? My dog is smarter then people think. I always get depressed when I am sick. In the future will we text from our TV remotes? Maybe it can check blood sugar levels and check heart rhythms too. The remote is under utilized I tell ya! I don’t like to were “jewel tones.” I am more of an “earth tones” kinda gal.


pondering said...

Why is the inside of my microwave always cold?

Anonymous said...

lol really! i never though of that but thats so true

Kacey said...

I love randomness. I think it's about time for another random thought post on my blog too. I'm such a copy cat. Where did that phrase come from anyway? What does a cat copy?