
An Epidemic of Laughing in the Bukoba District of Tanganyika in 1964

from wikipedia:

The epidemic seems to have started within a small group of students in a boarding school, possibly triggered by a joke. Laughter, as is commonly known, is in some sense contagious, and for whatever reason in this case the laughter perpetuated itself, far transcending its original cause. Since it is physiologically impossible to laugh for much more than a few minutes at a time, the laughter must have made itself known sporadically, though reportedly it was incapacitating when it struck. The school from which the epidemic sprang was shut down; the children and parents transmitted it to the surrounding area. Other schools, Kashasha itself, and another village, comprising thousands of people, were all affected to some degree. Six to eighteen months after it started, the phenomenon died off.

I first hear about it on radio lab , an NPR science podcast.
It is real! You can Google it for medical journal stuff – I found some stuff but it was like reading in Latin!

this link was a bit more understandable
read more if you dare!

this link is for the American scientist.org website article


pondering said...

LOL, that's just baloney... creative baloney for whoever made that up. It made me laugh anyway... and maybe that was what the creators of this story were trying to accomplish... thus proving their point? HEE HEE clever clever

Anonymous said...

I added some credibility to the blog link to the American scientist. Org It sounds crazy but you know weird stuff happens in Africa.

Kacey said...

yeah, weird stuff that I don't want to have anything to do with, like the religious holy laughter stuff. YIKES!
If it's real, it's probably not a physiological phenomenon but a spiritual one. Blech.

Her said...

Maybe someone was giving a report on Joel Osteen & just spiralled out of control. I did not just say that. Strike it from your memory.

pondering said...

EGADS! Joel Osteen!
"Gosh, that's just my message, people just want to be happy"
"Fluff fluffy fluff, soft fluffy sweet"....
gag gaggy gag!

Kacey said...

seriously Trish, it's like we were all seperated at birth...in different states...a decade apart...


Here's hoping you're "having your best life now"!(how does he keep his hair like that anyway?)

Anonymous said...

more more, better better, now now!
give me let me, do for me that book?

pondering said...

LOL... the man scares me...it scares me that people follow him. I guess he tickles their ears..
How cool Kacey... we like twins you and me...
Mra-mia told me once that you and I were a lot alike.